One of the favorite activities of many families is to see how many Hidden Mickeys you can discover during your trip to the Walt Disney World Resort.
A Hidden Mickey is a likeness of Mickey Mouse or the characteristic circle with two adjoining "ear" circles hidden by Disney Imagineers in the artwork or theming of the Parks, rides, attractions, or resorts. There are nearly a 1,000 different ones located at Disney World.
At the new Kidani Village section of the Animal Kingdom Lodge, we found these four examples of Hidden Mickeys right at our feet.
You can see that the Disney Imagineers cleverly worked the Hidden Mickey into the designs of the carpet. If you are not looking for them, you might easily overlook them.
This is what makes finding the Hidden Mickeys so much fun - they're hidden!
Some, like the ones in the carpet pictured here, are relatively easily to spot, while others are much more difficult.
After a while you may start to imagine that Hidden Mickeys are everywhere. This search can be very addictive.
If you enjoy looking for Hidden Mickeys, Steven M. Barrett has an excellent book called "Hidden Mickeys - A Field Guide To Walt Disney World's Best Kept Secrets."
This book provides insights and clues to help you with your searching. It is a great reference to bring along with you on a trip to add new excitement to attractions you have been on many times before. You will start to notice things that you never knew existed, even though they have been right in front of you the whole time.
Steven also has a website at: that you can check out for more information about Hidden Mickeys. He is really considered the authority on the topic.
If you have never looked for Hidden Mickeys before consider adding this fun activity to your next Disney World Vacation plans.

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