The amazing elephant herd continues to grow at Disney's Animal Kingdom. A week ago a 311 pound male calf named Jabali (meaning "Strong as a Rock" in Swahili) was the 6th elephant born at the Walt Disney World Resort Park.
This now brings the herd to a total of 12 elephants, making Disney's Animal Kingdom the home of one of the largest African elephant herds in North America.
Disney takes the care of its animals very seriously and their staff works hard to better understand and care for endangered animals like the African elephant. Disney's Animal Kingdom participates in the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) breeding program that focuses upon sustaining the elephant population in North America. The ultimate goal is to create a self sustaining population of African elephants among North American Zoos and wildlife centers.
Disney World guests can see the elephants at home on the Savannah of the Kilimanjaro Safari attraction. The Safari covers over 100 acres providing the animals with an expansive area to move about in a natural setting. They also have "off stage" homes where they can avoid the elements, rest, and receive wellness check-ups and care.
It is a much nicer setting than most elephants in captivity get a chance to enjoy with room to interact with other elephants and roam across a large area.
As mentioned earlier Jabali was the 6th elephant born at Disney's Animal Kingdom. The others include:
- Tufani, a male, born in 2003;
- Kianga, a female, born in 2004;
- Nadirah a female, born in 2005;
- Tsavo, a male, born in 2008; and
- Luna, a female born 2010.
Disney World Is More Than Just Entertainment
When you visit Disney's Animal Kingdom you will discover that it is not a park filled with animal entertainers. This is a park where people can learn more about and appreciate many of the remarkable species of animals that are represented.
The animal care staff has gone to great lengths to be at the forefront of animal care practices and species conservation efforts. While Jabali's mother Vasha was pregnant she received extensive pre-natal care for the entire 22-month gestation period. This included care even better than most humans receive with multiple ultrasounds, hormone level monitoring and round the clock care as the due date neared.
If you have an interest in the care of animals make sure that you take the time to talk to the Cast Members and also visit Rafiki's Planet Watch, where you can get a glimpse of some of the behind the scenes animal care areas and even witness their on-site veterinarian services in action.

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